Welcome to our School Council Page

Two representatives from each class serve on the school council. The children meet frequently to bring ideas for the smooth running of the school and help to make decisions about their environment and event taking place in school.

School Council Members

St. Augustine's is pleased to announce the elected School Council members for 2022-23.

Y5&6 Rosen – Jack and Katy

Y5&6 Rossetti – Chidubem and Angel

Y5&6 Zephaniah – Freddie and Mia

Y3&4 Morpurgo – Jesse and Phoebe

Y3&4 Rauf – Michael and Belle

Y3&4 Wilson – Ryan and Suzanne

Y1&2 Biddulph – Isabel and Ryan

Y1&2 Jeffers – Evie and Theo

Y1&2 Kerr Ariadne and Omari

St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School
19 West End, Old Costessey, Norwich NR8 5AG

TEL: 01603 743317

FAX: 01603 743833

EMAIL: office@st-augustines.norfolk.sch.uk